"Many see the blood, few the meaning."
The portal to the darker side the world has to offer.
ZD TERROR | THE ALTERNATE GENRE PORTAL is an underground thematic digital library dedicated to collecting and storing all types of content related to the Horror genre.
To store and distribute the necessary knowledge in order to improve and evolve the Horror genre in all its nuances.
Platform founded with the objective of informing, educating and entertaining users with total freedom of expression and completely uncensored; as well as promoting the talent and creativity of true Horror fans, giving them the opportunity to be heard and realize projects that previously would never see the light of day.
Welcome to ZD TERROR, the ALTERNATIVE portal of the genre. Where you will find original productions of real Horror. The most shocking real cases. Disturbing fictional stories. Analysis of the best works, in order to learn the elements that make up the greatest and most terrifying horror stories. Theories and answers to the great unknowns that our favorite sagas have left us. And much, much more...
OFFENSIVE, MOCKING, or SARCASTIC comments to the cases shared on this site will NOT be tolerated. This is NOT a SHOCK SITE.
Donations: PayPal
Official mail: zdterroroficial@gmail.com